About Golden Thread
- Too much information to digest fully.
- Conflicting advice from different sources.
- Vital information and good practice stories, hidden in a sea of LinkedIn posts.
In addition, we still have:
- A fragmented industry, represented by associations who sometimes find it challenging to communicate fully with their members or associated interest groups.
- New professions – RBIs and PDs - emerging into the light without clear guidance on how to perform their role more effectively.
- A lack of awareness in some quarters, from design teams to developers, from contractors to consultants, especially in the home improvement sector.
- And finally, above all, a lack of leadership. The opportunity to lead Building Safety through harnessing the positive, knowledgeable, base of building control professionals was dismissed. That profession is now bruised and battered.
Golden Thread will share the views of professional individuals and bodies, be neutral toward private and public sector, and look to increase knowledge and share good practice. It will not supplant any existing media but focus instead on the Building Safety Act and all that entails. It will be funded by commercial advertising and sponsorship and aim to be interesting, informative and most importantly, readable.
Golden Thread Journal is published bi-monthly initially by ACE123 Limited and distributed as an online publication though the parent website www.goldenthread.net. If demand requires it to be published as a hard copy edition then this has been considered and factored into production.
As a new title it enters a crowded marketplace where established media have already provided a platform for professions in the design and construction industry to gather news, view and features.
However, these tend to be all encompassing and so lack a focus on the key and interacting issues that have emerged surrounding the Building Safety Act and the impact it has had on every aspect of work.
The aim therefore is to serve that niche market and provide, as the banner suggests, a spotlight on:
Safety – which, after all is our call to action; our key driver.
Standards – the benchmark by which we judge ourselves, others and the projects on which we work – technically and ethically.
Success – the celebration of positive achievement within the various professions.
Golden Thread will be a broad church and embrace the views and aspirations of all professions and their representative associations. We’re fully aware of the public and private sector divide in Building Control but subscribe to the view that whoever your employer, the rain still drips down your neck, your boots still need a clean and those inspection records need writing up, whether it’s dark or not.
Unless defamatory or untrue the editorial policy will be to provide a platform to all views even if dissenting from popular opinion. The lack of any leadership on key issues has allowed uninformed discussion and this has been unchecked and unchallenged leading to uncertainty. It’s time for a change. Whilst being unable to guarantee total factual accuracy the Journal will allow views to be made that are positive and contributing to the development of sound practices.
At present the Journal is funded privately but the intention is to allow commercial advertising and sponsorship that reflects and adds to the content and will allow the publication to grow. Where paid editorial has been accepted for publication, then this will be clearly marked.
- Golden Thread is published by ACE123 Ltd, registered company address: 300 St Mary’s Road, Liverpool, L19 0NQ.